How to Soothe Your Pets Anxiety Naturally

How to Soothe Your Pets Anxiety Naturally

Pets, like humans, can suffer from anxiety because of different causes such as loud noises, separation, or changes in their surroundings. Though there exist drugs which may be used to control the condition in pets that have anxiety, most pet owners prefer natural means which can cause calmness and relaxation. The good news is that there are numerous natural remedies and techniques that can help calm your anxious pet and make them feel better overall. Here are some ways to naturally reduce anxiety in your furry friends that really work.


Regular Workout Sessions:

Exercising regularly keeps your pets physically and mentally healthy. This can include playing with them or walking them during the day, or having interactive games that will help burn off excess energy and reduce anxiety. In pets, exercise activates endorphin secretion which are natural mood elevators for mitigating stress and anxiety.


Make A Protected Spot:

Give your pet a safe space where he/she can take refuge in case of feeling anxious or overstimulated. This may be a part of the house that has been made comfortable, a nice bed or crate, or somewhere away from noise and disturbance in a calm room. Help your pet feel loved and secure by including familiar objects such as blankets, toys, and treats to make it cozy.



Pets could be silenced down with ease and the animals could become relaxed by using aromatherapy. Anxiety in these animals can be brought down by use of lavender, chamomile and bergamot oils which are some essential oils. To create a relaxed environment, diffuse them into the air or dilute them with a carrier oil then apply on pet’s bedding or collar.


Herbal Supplements:

Anxious pets could be naturally settled without using any prescriptions through herbal supplements. Ingredients like passionflower, valerian root and chamomile have weak sedative effects that reduce anxiety levels in pets. You should consult your vet to find out what dosage and formula your pet needs.


Music Therapy:

The calming effects of music therapy can help reducing anxiety in pets during thunderstorms, fireworks and other stressful situations. To create a calm atmosphere for your pet play gentle soothing music or specially recorded relaxation tracks for pets. There are also various playlists and music applications that cater to the tastes of animals thereby enhancing relaxation.



Pets massage relaxes muscles that are tense, stimulates blood flow and leads to restfulness. You should use slow, long strokes to gently rub your animal in such areas as its neck, shoulders, and back where it usually feels tensed. This way, you will be able to further bond with your animal as well as assure it by giving it comfort through massaging.



The thundershirt is a specially designed cloth that puts slight pressure on the body of your pet just like swaddling does to an infant. This pressure can increase calmness in nervous pets and decrease anxiety and stress during thunderstorms or while you are traveling by car. For those people who own cats and dogs, there are thundershirts available for use at any time.


Behavior Modification:

By adopting positive reinforcement training methods, one’s pet’s behavior may change with time as anxiety diminishes. Employ treats, encouragement, and incentives to encourage calm and relaxed demeanor, as well as desensitize the animal towards any stress-causing stimuli. In dealing with anxiety among pets through behavioral modification approaches, consistency and patience count most.


CBD Oil :

CBD oil is becoming popular among pet owners as a natural remedy for anxiety in animals because of its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to regulate mood, sleep, and stress responses. Speak to your veterinarian about which dosage or formulation of CBD oil would work best for your pet.


Routine and Structure:

Developing a consistent routine and structure aids in alleviating anxiety in pets by giving them predictability and stability. Ensure you are feeding, exercising, playing with him/her on time everyday and putting him/ her to bed simultaneously so that it can feel safe around you. If possible minimize changes in routine as this might make the dog fearful or anxious.


Patience, understanding and holistic approaches are needed to naturally alleviate your pet’s anxiety. Integrating these natural treatments and methods into your pet care routine can assist in relieving anxiety whilst promoting relaxation in your furry companion. Try various tactics and remain constant as you strive to offer them a secure, serene and nurturing space that will work the best for their specific needs. By caring for it with love, attention and herbal remedies, you can assist your pet in fighting anxiety thus having an enjoyable life beside you that is healthy.