How to Combat Oily Skin Naturally

How to Combat Oily Skin Naturally

Dealing with oily skin can be a constant struggle, but with the right attitude, it is possible to have a well-balanced complexion that does not require expensive treatments and harsh chemicals. By knowing what causes too much oil in your skin and using natural remedies, you will successfully manage oily skin resulting in a fresh matte finish. Here are some simple but effective ways of fighting oily skin naturally.


Gentle Cleansing:

The first step of any grease skin skincare regimen is gentle washing. Avoid harsh cleansing products that can disrupt the natural balance of your skin and cause it to produce even more oil. Instead, choose mild non-acneigenic cleansers that provide good results in eliminating excess oils, dirt and impurities but do not dry the skin.


Use Oil-Balancing Ingredients:

Include skincare products that contain oil-balanced ingredients such as salicylic acid, witch hazel, and tea tree oil. These substances help in sebum regulation, opening pores and preventing acne without getting rid of natural moisture from one’s skin. Choose oil-free serums and light moisturizers which hydrate without adding too many oils on the face.


Clay Masks:

To get rid of oil and other dirt on your skin, people use clay masks since these are natural. This practice makes the skin feel fresh and pure. For example, bentonite clay, kaolin clay and French green clay do a good job in mattifying oily skin and also make this type of skin’s pores less noticeable. One should put such masks once or twice within seven days so as to control excessive oil production that may cause acne.


Hydration is Key:

It is commonly thought that oily skin doesn’t need any hydration. Consequently, such people discard any moisturizing creams believing they’ll worsen the situation even further. Nevertheless, this belief is far from being true because dryness affects even the oiliest types of epidermis too. You just have to go for moisturizers without oils which don’t block up the pores thereby resulting into lighter versions of them. Hyaluronic acid and glycerin are some examples of ingredients with hydrophilic properties that encourage moisture retention in your dermis while not bringing about additional greasiness there.



To keep oiliness at bay, have a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. When you limit your sugar intake along with greasy foods and dairy products it will help to reduce the excessive oiliness as well as control the breakouts.


Witch Hazel Toner:

The witch hazel is a natural toner having anti-inflammatory properties thereby tightening pores and controlling production of oils. Using a witch hazel toner post cleansing will get rid of any oil residues or impurities from skin leaving it feeling fresh and clean again. To prevent skin dryness, opt for alcohol-free versions.


Blotting Papers:

You should have blotting papers always within reach to soak up extra oil and shine quickly without disturbing your make-up. Dab the oily parts of the face such as the forehead, nose and chin with a blotting paper to immediately dull the skin thus controlling shine.


Stay Consistent:

Oily skin management can only be achieved by a consistent approach. Keep on using your routine skin care products and give time for your skin to adapt to new treatments and procedures. Avoid overdoing it when it comes to cleansing or exfoliation processes; this will make your skin dry up excessively thereby promoting more oil production in future.

Natural ways of treating oily skin involve the use of a combination of skincare products, remedies and lifestyle modifications. To fight oily skin, you have to cleanse it gently, add oil-regulating substances into your cosmetics, and keep yourself hydrated in order to keep the appearance fresh with no shine at all. Try different home remedies and techniques to find out what works best for your skin type, but ensure that you are patient and persistent in your endeavors. With commitment and consciousness one can achieve equilibrium and experience the rewards of vibrant looking skin.