Natural Remedies for Dandruff

Natural Remedies for Dandruff

To despair is not necessary even though dandruff can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition. Several natural remedies can help alleviate dandruff by restoring balance to your scalp. This article explores various holistic approaches that include both regular kitchen ingredients and special treatments in order to eliminate flakes and achieve a healthier scalp.


Tea Tree Oil:

Dandruff due to fungal infections can be cured using tea tree oil that is popular for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Take a few drops of tea tree oil, add your carrier oil like coconut or olive oil, mix them together and apply it on your scalp, then. After thirty minutes minimum repeat the process more than once in the week.


Apple Cider Vinegar:

There are dandruff causes yeast growth which can be reduced through apple cider vinegar hence restoration of scalp pH balance. In a spray bottle combine equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar then apply it to the head and rub it down with your fingers. After 20-30 minutes rinse it thoroughly with running water. To keep dandruff at bay use this treatment for one or two times per week.


Aloe Vera Gel:

It can also help deal with scalp itching and irritation caused by dandruff as it contains aloe vera which has soothing and moisturizing properties. Take some pure aloe vera gel, apply it directly to your scalp, and gently rub it in. Keep it on for 30 minutes to one hour before washing off with warm water. To soothe your scalp, you should keep using this method regularly as well as minimizing the appearance of dandruff flakes.


Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is able to nourish and moisturize the scalp hence reduces itchiness and flakiness. Heat up some coconut oil and rub it into your head paying attention to affected sections of dandruff. Let the coconut oil sit overnight on your hair then wash in the morning with shampoo. Repeat this procedure 2 or 3 times weekly until there is a significant change.


Neem Oil:

It contains Neem oil characteristics of antifungal and antibacterial that can cure dandruff and soothe itchy scalp. Combine some neem oil with carrier oils such as olive oil or jojoba oil then apply it on your head. To get rid of it you need to wait for just half an hour before washing using a mild shampoo. To prevent dandruff from recurring frequently, utilize this procedure regularly.


Baking Soda:

The baking soda is used to scrub off dead skin cells from the scalp hence reducing flakiness and itchiness caused by dandruff. Mix water with baking soda in order to have a paste that will be applied on your scalp. Rinse after waiting for several minutes with lots of water. Use this remedy once or twice weekly as an aid against dandruff problems.



It serves as a good antibiotic in relation to dandruff fungus. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice on scalp and massage it into your head for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water. Be careful while applying the juice when you have cuts or any painful areas on your scalp. Keep using this treatment every week to lessen dandruff flakes.


Rosemary Oil:

It can reduce inflammation and fight against bacteria that cause itching and flaking of the skin on scalp. Blend some rosemary oil drops with carrier oils such as olive oil or coconut oil before massaging it onto the scull. Then, leave it for about 30 minutes followed by washing with shampoo as usual. This approach needs to be done regularly to maintain a healthy scalp.


Witch Hazel:

The astringent character of witch hazel helps to control oiliness and dryness of the scalp. Mix some witch hazel with warm water; after which dab it onto the scalp using a cotton ball or put it in a spray bottle. Rinse well with water after 15-20 minutes. This is helpful when done regularly as an anti-dandruff treatment.



Probiotics can help normalize bacteria on the scalp and reduce inflammation that promotes dandruff. To facilitate good health of your scalp, you need to eat such probiotic foods as sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt. Again, you can also ingest some supplements containing probiotics as well in order to maintain healthy scalp microbiome system.


Although dandruff could be a recurring and irritating condition, it can be successfully treated with natural remedies; thus promoting a healthy scalp. Tea tree oil, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar are among the many holistic ways of eliminating flakes and fixing the balance in your skull. Trying various remedies to find what suits you most and maintaining consistency during treatment yields the best outcome. Through applying these homegrown solutions for dandruff, one will have their scalp free from flakes forever.