Best Essential Oils for Hair Care

Best Essential Oils for Hair Care

For hundreds of years, essential oils have been used to improve hair health and beauty due to their healing capabilities. They provide a natural and efficient means of nourishing and maintaining one’s hair and range from accelerating hair growth, treating dandruff to giving it fragrance as well as shine. Here are some of the top essentials oils for taking care of your hair as well as ways you can include them in your schedules so that you can have beautiful hair too!


Lavender Oil:

The calming and soothing properties of lavender oil make it great for use, however it is also beneficial in promoting hair growth and improving scalp health. With its antimicrobial quality that helps prevent dandruff and scalp infections, coupled with its relaxing fragrance that can relieve stress responsible for hair loss.


Rosemary Oil:

When it comes to hair care, rosemary oil is a powerhouse essential oil with the ability to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp circulation. It will strengthen your hair follicles, decrease loss of hair as well as promote thicker and healthier hairs. In addition to this, rosemary oil has antimicrobial properties that can prevent dandruff as well as other scalp conditions.


Peppermint Oil:

Peppermint oil has a very fresh smell and feels cool. This can be useful for stimulating the scalp and increasing blood circulation to it, which promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. It also helps in fighting against dandruff-causing germs on the scalp. For this reason, peppermint oil is especially useful for people with an oily scalp as it regulates the production of sebum.


Tea Tree Oil:  

Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal and antibacterial effects that make it ideal for treating such scalp conditions as dandruff. It helps to relieve itching and inflammation, reduce flaking of the skin and provide a healthier environment for hair growth on the scalp. Moreover, tea tree oil efficiently clears blocked hair follicles preventing product build-up.


Cedarwood Oil:

Cedarwood oil is another essential oil that promotes hair growth and improves scalp conditions. It helps to control sebum production, decrease irritation, and enhance the flow of blood to the scalp, hence making hair stronger and thicker. Cedarwood oil is especially good for people with thinning hair or experiencing hair loss.


Ylang Ylang Oil:

On the other hand, ylang ylang oil has a sweet floral scent which makes it an outstanding moisturizer. It helps in nourishing the scalp and hair, increases its flexibility and reduces its tendency to break or split up. In addition, this oil soothes the scalp and may reduce anxiety related balding.


Clary Sage Oil:

Clary sage oil has the ability to help you grow hair and improve its health. It can regulate the amount of oils produced in your scalp, prevent inflammations and balance hormones among others to facilitate healthy hair growth. Clary sage oil also soothes itchy scalps.


Lemongrass Oil:

The lemongrass essential oil that has a sweet, fresh awe-inspiring fragrance is considered one of the best remedies for cleansing and restoration. This product can cleanse the scalp, remove blockages from hair pores to facilitate growth of healthier hairs. Moreover, this lemon grass oil contains antibacterial properties and would be good for stopping dandruff as well as other infections affecting your scalp


Geranium Oil:

A floral, rosy scent is possessed by geranium oil and it is useful in balancing the production of oil, reducing inflammation and promoting hair growth. It aids in growing stronger hair follicles, decreasing breakage of hair strands and enhancing the quality of the entire hair. Additionally, this type of oil is a good remedy for variabilities in sebum secretion while preventing such conditions as dandruff.


Chamomile Oil:

For those with sensitive scalps, chamomile oil normally has a calming effect that brings about healing. It helps in reducing inflammation or irritations on the scalp thereby providing an enabling environment for optimal growth of the hairs; Chamomile oils also help to improve hair color and make lackluster/dull hairs shiny.


Promote hair growth and shine while getting rid of dandruff, scalp infection and other hair loss problems using essential oils which are also added to the hair as natural perfumes. Whatever your hair needs, whether you have a thinning hairline, an itchy scalp or damaged hair that need some attention, there is always an essential oil for you. Your type of hair and needs should determine what combination of oils in blends you will use for your perfect match. You can therefore try out various types of natural oils as well as mixtures used on your head to help in treating different types of hairs.